2023 MGG Symposium
“Global Vaccines and Vaccinations: Science vs Anti-Science”
2022 MGG Symposium
“Medicine & Advocacy”
7th Annual MGG Symposium – We welcome our Dr. B. Cameron Webb, as our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Webb is a physician, attorney, and Senior Advisor, White House Office of COVID-19 Response.
2021 MGG Symposium
Don’t Make It Out, Make it Better : Improving the lives of Baltimore City Children and Youth
2020 MGG Symposium
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
2019 MGG Symposium
“Art & Medicine: Partners for Healthier Communities” was the theme of the 4th Annual MGG Symposium, featuring two-time Emmy-winning Director/Producer Marilyn Ness of Charm City acclaim.
After Ms. Ness’ moving, heart-felt talk about “Making the World of Charm City,” Dr. Meg Chisolm moderated a panel of experts who discussed the role of arts in the community and how the arts enhance well-being and health.
2018 MGG Symposium
Medicine for the Greater Good’s 2018 Symposium “Beyond the Hospital Walls” was hosted by Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in the Asthma and Allergy Building, Grossi Auditorium on November 20th. This symposium has a strong focus on the importance of community outreach in regards to fighting socioeconomic disparities experienced by communities in East Baltimore.
Our keynote speaker Dr. Camara Jones from Morehouse School of Medicine, touched on the impact of racism on the health and well-being of the nation.
2017 MGG Symposium
The 2017 MGG Symposium featured a special keynote address by the Mayor of Baltimore City, who spoke on population health improvement. Topics of discussion included the city’s critical role in improving health through strengthening hospital/community partnerships, such as those seen at Hopkins. The Mayor lauded programs such as Medicine for the Greater Good, Embajadores du Salud, and the Center for Innovative Medicine for making such partnerships possible.
2016 MGG Symposium
In 2016, the Center for Innovative Medicine hosted the first ever Medicine for the Greater Good Week (May 24-31). MMG Week was lead off with a presentation by keynote speaker Leana Wen, M.D., Health Commissioner for Baltimore City followed by remarks from Maryland congressional representative Elijah Cummings.
The MGG curriculum was praised by closing keynote speaker Elijah Cummings who called MGG “effective and efficient” at producing residents who recognize and address health care disparities. Additionally, Cummings shared his own personally experiences living in Baltimore’s seventh district. Both speakers were selected for embodying the CIM’s mission – to make medicine a better public trust – and discussed the need for all patients, regardless of background, to receive the best and most up-to-date healthcare that can be provided.